Green Party calls for PR in Cheltenham

Cheltenham Green Party calls on all local parties to back proportional representation

Green Councillors Tabi Joy and Wendy Flynn surprised as Lib Dems vote against motion calling for proportional representation at local elections.

Voting reform is an absolute necessity to start rebuilding trust in politics. We want everyone to have a voice, not just those who have the loudest voices, the deepest pockets or the most powerful friends.

Green Party councillors recently had the opportunity to propose a motion to council to support the introduction of proportional representation at local elections, tacking on to a national campaign asking Councils to write to the Cabinet Office to state support for PR at Westminster elections.

Bizarrely, the Liberal Democrats voted against the PR amendment, missing a golden opportunity to show backing for PR at all levels of our democracy. We call on all parties to back PR in local elections.

Green proposals to expand youth involvement in local politics have also been voted down by the Liberal Democrats.

We will continue to fight for a fair voting system in which every vote counts, ensure that decisions made nationally and locally are based upon genuine consultation, negotiation and accountability, including with young people. For that to happen we need fresh ideas and a change to the “one party state” we have here in Cheltenham.

If you are fed up of the status-quo and want to see real change, you can join our campaigns here, and join the Green Party here.

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