Green Party Office Hours

Come and meet us!

Cheltenham’s local Green Party is setting up a monthly office surgery session. Today we had our first meeting and had a great time discussing Prevent and Extinction Rebellion, the ongoing refugee crisis, how to meet with local MPs to voice concerns, the roles of faith groups in green campaigning, and Cheltenham’s unique identity.

Do you have ideas about campaigns you’d like to see in Cheltenham? Would you like an opportunity to talk to us about key local issues? Please drop by for a chat about how we might be able to help – we’d like to hear more about local people’s views on just about anything affecting where we live.

We can be found 11am-1pm at Food Loose Café, 16 Portland Street, Cheltenham GL52 2PB, every second Saturday of the month. Next dates of meetings are:

Saturday 9th February

Saturday 8th March

Saturday 12th April

Saturday 10th May

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