Cheltenham Council Climate Summit

On 6th August, Cheltenham Greens attended the council’s public climate emergency meeting. This summit built on the declaration of a climate emergency in February.

The meeting was well-attended, with over 100 people taking the time to come to share their views. Access was restricted, with notice of attendance and questions requested in advance, but it represents a useful first step in engaging local people in discussions.

Green Party members Louise Folkes, Tabi Joy, and Ed Saul all contributed towards the discussions, advocating for greater traffic safety standards and decentralised local energy, as well as other demands for greener council housing, more localised economic models, and greater accountability for council actions.

It highlighted the importance on active collaboration between government, local businesses and services, and Cheltenham residents. Cheltenham Green Party will continue to ensure that everyone is fairly represented in this issue as it develops.

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