
Can you help Cheltenham Green Party fund its campaigning?

The Green Party believes political parties shouldn’t be swayed by corporate interests or financed by wealthy donors. For this reason we don’t accept financial support from such groups and run entirely on grassroots public donations and the subscriptions of our amazing members.

Please help us by donating below!

From here you can make a monthly recurring direct debit of £10 a month or an amount of your choice! Small donations from members like this are the lifeblood of our campaigning, and let us print the leaflets and election literature we need to get the first Greens elected in Cheltenham!

Your donation will go straight into campaigning activities in Cheltenham to help us fight for Green representation and a better future for the town.

Thank you for your support!

In order to comply with election law, you need to be on the electoral register and provide your name and address. Your support is greatly appreciated – thank you so much.

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