Hesters Way
Wendy Flynn
Hello, I’m Wendy Flynn and I’m your Green canmpaigner for Hesters Way. If you are a Hesters Way resident please get in touch.
I recently moved across from the Liberal Democrats and joined the Green Party here in Cheltenham. I have been increasingly impressed with the rapidly growing Green Party here – we recently won our first seat on Cheltenham Borough Council, and I stand by the ethical manner in which the party operates at local and national level.
Hesters Way residents come before any party politics. This stance is respected and shared by the Green Party who will support me in serving you.
I will continue to be available for all residents and encourage you to contact me if you need help or just wish to express a view or opinion. I stand by my record of helping residents with many issues, including social housing, planning applications, refuse collection and anti-social behaviour. I’ve spent many hours working with the Hesters Way Forum on a Neighbourhood Plan for the area. I’ve litter-picked and planted trees, served as mayor, and challenged the negative views some in other parts of the town have about Hesters Way.
I will always put your interests first and continue to do the right thing for Hesters Way.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me at wendy.flynn@cheltenham.greenparty.org.uk