Hesters Way Council Candidate
Gary Clarke
Hello! I am Gary Clarke, your Green Party candidate for Hester’s Way. I am working closely with your long serving and dedicated Green Party councillor Wendy Flynn, and am committed to working hard for Hesters way residents. These are my priorities:
Housing: The Root of Well-being My number one priority is housing, particularly rented housing. I believe that warm, safe, secure and permanent housing is the foundation of everything from well-being and health to prosperity. If we solve the problems of housing, we improve the most important problems we face. For social housing and private rent, I am committed to making the council use every power it has to help people who rent their homes.
Green Business: Local Jobs For Local Prosperity. I believe that Iocal business should be at the heart of community. Local jobs are greener jobs that create wealth that stays close to home. I want the council to help people to work locally and feel the benefits of their work in their own lives.
Active in Housing Matters I have been active on housing matters for the past 10 years. Working in social housing, advocating for tenants and leaseholders and recently founding the Cheltenham Tenant Union, working to deliver a fairer deal for people who pay rent.
Addressing the Cost of Living Crisis I understand that the cost of living crisis is a priority. I believe that the solutions to the climate crisis are the same solutions that can solve the cost of living crisis.
Your Vote, Your Voice As your Green Party candidate, I will listen to understand local priorities and make the council work for local people.
Please contact me at gary.clarke@votegreen.uk