Prestbury Ward News – October ’24

First of all, I must apologise for last month’s misinformation about Post Office facilities in Prestbury. I received an email from the Post Office on 12th September asking me to spread the word. Unfortunately I didn’t receive a follow up to say it wasn’t happening! I hope no-one was inconvenienced.

Prestbury this month has been dominated by roadworks. With the roadworks on the A435, it seems as if many drivers are not following the designated diversion on A roads, but cutting across Southam Lane and down the hill to the Noverton Lane roundabout. Half-term week was particularly bad as there were temporary traffic lights in the High Street and severe congestion. I spoke to an officer from the Highways department but apparently they don’t have the authority either to impose a lower speed limit on the hill or to restrict access.

On the subject of roads, I know that many Prestbury residents are concerned by speeding, particularly in Mill Lane. Would a 20 mph limit be the answer? Please let me have your views.

Heavy rain in October inconvenienced many, as Lake Street and Blacksmiths Lane again became ponds with inadequate drainage. Please, keep reporting problems on and I will keep badgering the County Council and Highways Department on your behalf.

Cheltenham residents have until 21st November to express their views on a Public spaces protection order (PSPO) consultation – Town Centre East car park. The link is at

The next Green Councillor Surgery is at the library on November 16th. In the meantime if you want to contact me the email is or phone 07858865821.

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