Prestbury Ward News — September ‘24

Post Office:- Great news – Prestbury is to have a ‘light’ Post Office Service on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays at ‘Dearly Pre-Loved’ on the High Street, for parcels, bill payments and phone top-ups. See here for more info: Consultation Hub – Prestbury High St Drop & Collect GL52 3AR. Spread the word!

Idsall Drive and The Bank:- A planning application has been submitted for Idsall Drive car park site, Ref No: 24/01353/FUL, for one dwelling. People are already concerned about access to The Bank and Idsall Drive being restricted by builders’ lorries if permission is granted. The parking management team have been informed of these fears and residents should contact the police if the builders break highway laws.

Trees:- Sadly we’ve lost a couple of mature trees in the village recently. The Borough Council have adopted an updated Tree Inspection Protocol which includes an Ash Die-back Management Plan to help look after all the trees for which they are responsible.

Highways:- I know that some of Prestbury’s pavements and roads are in a bad state. I have reported pavement potholes on Fix My Street and I regularly badger our County Councillor about the state of our roads. I am assured that something will be done about them, eventually.

Consultation: – the Borough Council are currently having a public consultation on the Council Tax Support Scheme 2025-2026, at This is a chance for Cheltenham residents to give their views, whether or not they are claiming the benefit. The consultation closes on 4th October so don’t delay!

Surgeries:- My next surgery is on Saturday September 21st, 10.00 -12.00 at the library. It’s always nice to meet people and hear what’s on your minds. You can also contact me by email at

Kind regards,
Jan Foster,
Green Councillor for Prestbury.

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