Cheltenham Doesn’t Need Nor Want a Visit from Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson is not welcome in this town. This is the man who allowed the Cheltenham Festival to go ahead despite the risk of covid. Cheltenham suffered as a result of that failure. The pandemic spread here much faster than in other areas with our hospital having the highest number of coronavirus hospital admissions in the county a few weeks after the festival.

This is a man without morals, who presided over a shambolic administration. The Conservatives have been voted out locally both at borough Council level, where they no longer have any councillors; and at Westminster, having lost their MP in July’s election.

You are not welcome here. Go and promote your book elsewhere Mr Johnson.

Protect Hardwick Green

The University of Gloucestershire’s Hardwick campus, situated in Cheltenham’s St Paul’s area, has been put up for sale. The field on the campus, Hardwick Green, is publicly accessible for now, but will be lost if the sale goes ahead and the planning is approved for 12 houses to be built on the Green.

Whilst we do not object to the sale of the site and the re-development of new housing on the space which is already built upon, we do object to any loss of the Green. It is the only green space within the boundaries of St Paul’s. It provides flood mitigation, urban cooling and an important recreational space for local residents.

Planners must also consider the impact the new housing will have on traffic and parking. Swindon Road is already one of the busiest cut-through roads in the town and the lack of parking in around Marsh Lane which borders the Green is already creating issues for locals. The St Paul’s Green Party councillors will be doing all they can to protect the area.

Where Are All The Insects?

The lack of insects this summer should be concern to us all. The UK ranks among the the bottom 10% of countries globally for biodiversity, with over 40% of all UK species experiencing significant population decline. One estimate puts insect numbers as being down 90-95% compared with a century ago. This matters. Insects support plant and crop pollination and are vital food source for many mammals. I have heard little on biodiversity from the Labour government so far. This must change.

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