Supporting Positive Business Through Coronavirus

There’s a lot going on right now and it’s an unsettling time. The coronavirus is going to have a huge effect on our society and our economy.

We need to proactively support the things that we want to survive this crisis – and like our local shops and suppliers, we need to put our money where our mouths are.

If you’re looking for ways to make your money work for the common good, and help other people out of this crisis, here are some places to get started.

Want to make your domestic energy climate-neutral? It can make a big difference, not only to your wallet – a lot of providers aren’t owned by shareholders, or are run as ethical businesses, so more of your money is reinvested to develop more renewable energy, and make things even better. Check out some information and compare providers here.

Car standing idle? Want to try more active travel? Now’s a very good time for bikes and forming good habits. We’re lucky in Cheltenham not only to have some amazing cycle shops, but we have fairly flat roads that are currently pretty quiet. Get your bike repaired and ready to go, join a local cycling advocacy and campaigns group, or arrange an appointment. Don’t forget to help support our independent shops once they reopen.

How’s your banking looking? You could almost definitely switch to a better bank, given that so many of the biggest banks profit off unfair fees while also funnelling gigantic subsidies to destructive practices. Triodos sets a high standard for transparency and ethical investment, but requires a monthly fee and has no physical branches. However, you can also find fairer practices through building societies, such as Coventry or Nationwide, or credit unions, all of which tend to be more economically resilient as well as supporting local communities.

Can you positively invest? Obviously we can’t give you advice on what to add to your portfolio, but there are a lot of cool ethical investment opportunities available right now that make life fairer even as they bring in some decent rates of interest. Some funds take contributions from £50, making the whole process relatively accessible, and lowering risk for first-time investors.

Just switching a few things around in our lives can make a massive difference – so if you can, please support positive business.


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